Create more Soulful Abundance in your life!

Create more Soulful Abundance in your life!

News, Upcoming Events, and other fun stuff to share….

What is Soulful Abundance…

A state that goes beyond material wealth and encompasses all aspects of life, including emotional, spiritual, and personal growth. It refers to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from living a life aligned with one's values, passions, and purpose.

Abundance is not just about having material wealth, but also about having a rich and fulfilling inner life, strong relationships, a sense of purpose, and a deep connection with oneself, community, and the world around us.

Pursuing Soulful Abundance involves focusing on personal growth and self-discovery, cultivating gratitude and positivity, and creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I am teaching a mini-class at the Trowels & Treasures Expo on 4/28 at 10:30! At the Fairgrounds.

~ How to Use Crystals in Your Garden ~