Soulful Abundance Blog

Harnessing Earth's Energy: Enhancing Your Garden with Crystal Power
Jennifer Wells Jennifer Wells

Harnessing Earth's Energy: Enhancing Your Garden with Crystal Power

In the pursuit of nurturing our gardens and cultivating vibrant green spaces, we often overlook the potential of incorporating natural elements beyond soil, water, and sunlight. Crystals, revered for their metaphysical properties and energetic resonance, can be powerful allies in fostering growth, vitality, and harmony within your garden sanctuary.

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4 Powerful Crystal Cleansing Rituals
Jennifer Wells Jennifer Wells

4 Powerful Crystal Cleansing Rituals

It’s good practice to cleanse your crystals. Crystals absorb energy so when you get a new crystal, it’s ideal to clean out any energy that crystal may be holding. There is no telling how many people have touched that crystal or where it has traveled. Start fresh and prepare your crystals for their new use as your spiritual aid and companion.

Here are 4 cleansing rituals to incorporate into your life as you grow your crystal collection.

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5 Tips For Crystal Shopping at Soulful Abundance
Jennifer Wells Jennifer Wells

5 Tips For Crystal Shopping at Soulful Abundance

Because I have such a deep respect and love for crystals, I take the purchase of a new one very seriously. I love offering a huge variety of crystals for my customers, but picking a crystal is a very personal process.

Here are my top 5 tips for adding a new crystal to your collection. These will assist you in making a more knowledgeable and intuitive selection. So, relax and enjoy the process!

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